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Adjustable Portrait, Pan Tile Bracket
Code : 314001-07
Adjustable Portrait, Pan Tile Bracket
This L‐ bracket mounts directly onto tin roofs. Its adaptable rail height adjustment slot allows for a level PV array to be established, no matter how uneven the roof is. The hole is drilled to 7.1mm, to fit a 6.3mm roofing screw.Includes EPDM rubber gasket. Include rail‐ to‐ bracket connector. Include roofing screw.
There is a small quantity of the product.
Adjustable Portrait, Pan Tile Bracket
Product group : [ 20. Mounting Solar ]
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Code : 314001-07
Adjustable Portrait, Pan Tile Bracket
This L‐ bracket mounts directly onto tin roofs. Its adaptable rail height adjustment slot allows for a level PV array to be established, no matter how uneven the roof is. The hole is drilled to 7.1mm, to fit a 6.3mm roofing screw.Includes EPDM rubber gasket. Include rail‐ to‐ bracket connector. Include roofing screw.
There is a small quantity of the product.
Adjustable Portrait, Pan Tile Bracket
Product group : [ Mounting Solar ]
Line ID. @Solar-Thailand
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Adjustable Portrait, Pan Tile Bracket
Code : 314001-07
Adjustable Portrait, Pan Tile Bracket
This L‐ bracket mounts directly onto tin roofs. Its adaptable rail height adjustment slot allows for a level PV array to be established, no matter how uneven the roof is. The hole is drilled to 7.1mm, to fit a 6.3mm roofing screw.Includes EPDM rubber gasket. Include rail‐ to‐ bracket connector. Include roofing screw.
Product group : Mounting Solar
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