
YCM7-160S 3Pole 125A MCCB AC Moulded Case Circuit Breaker CNC |
MCCB AC Moulded Case Circuit Breaker CNC YCM7 series circuit breaker is a new generation of breaker. This breaker is applied for the distribution network of AC 50Hz, rated insulation voltage 800V, rated working current up to 800A. which is for electric energy distribution, circuit protection, protection power supply facility from destroying by the fault of overloading, short circuit and undervoltage, meanwhile it is also used for protection from unfrequent starting, over loading, short circuit and undervoltage of the motor.
เบรกเกอร์เมนไฟฟ้า MCCB AC 3Pole 125A ตัดวงจรไฟฟ้า กระแสเกินพิกัด ไฟลัดวงจร CNC